Governing board
Our Governing Board works hard to ensure that children receive the best possible education and care. The Governing Board also helps with planning for the future. The governing board meetings each term to discuss the Curriculum, Finance and Health and Safety matters. The Governing Board consists of the co-headteachers, representatives from the Staff Team, parents, members of the community and Local Authority. Your views are vitally important in helping to shape and develop the Nursery. We have parent representatives join the board. The normal term of office is four years. Parents of children attending the Nursery are eligible to stand for election to the Governing Board and to vote in these elections.
Meet the Governors
Alison Mitchell - Chair of Governors
I was a Reception teacher in Stockport until 6 years ago. Early years provision has always been a passion of mine. I value the importance of laying the foundation for children as they start their educational journey. There is just something so special about an early years setting.
I am a governor because I want to support Reddish Vale nursery and to use my experiences to help benefit all the children. I enjoy visiting the nursery and being kept up to date with the day to day running of the Nursery.
Katie Bennett - Headteacher/ Safeguarding lead
Anna Portman - Staff Governor
I am the teacher at Reddish Vale Nursery School and in my role as staff governor, I represent the staff team and their needs. I also provide governors with information and updates regarding the curriculum and SEND.
Elaine Griffiths - Business Manager
I am the Business Manager here at Reddish Vale and I attend the Resources and Full Governing meetings. I closely monitor the finance aspect of the Nursery, which is shared with the headteacher and then governors throughout the year.
Helena Sheehan - Parent Governor
Further information about the membership, role and remit of the Governing Board can be found by visiting our Nursery or by clicking here.
Attendance at Governing board meetings for is detailed by clicking the following links:
The Nursery has a policy of Open Government. Details of this policy and other policies and procedures can be made available for you. Please ask for further details
Should you have any concerns or complaints about services delivered at the Nursery, you are advised that there is an official complaints procedure. In the first instance, complaints should be addressed to the Headteacher. Depending on the nature of the complaint you will be advised of the appropriate channels for further action. Further details are available in our Complaints Procedure that can be found in the POLICIES page of this website.
Register of Declared Interests of Governors, including Governor Details and Register of interests
(The Governing Body was reconstituted on 17.06.15 to meet the requirements under the 2012 regulations.)
FGB: Full governing body R: Resources / Finance sub-committee T&L: Teaching and Learning sub committee